Monday, August 01, 2005

Its back........

My laptop finally arrived from Gateway. It had originally arrived over a week ago, but I was waiting for a new hard drive. The original one was only 40GB, and I wanted to load Fedora Core on it and dual boot Windows XP, so I got myself a 60GB drive for under $100. Once I got the new drive I set out to build the Operating Systems.

The first time the unit came back though there was some type of short in the system. As soon as I picked it up after building the OS's I noticed it. Anytime you tapped the keyboard or picked it up, the unit would shut off. So it got shipped back to Gateway for a second tour of the repair bench. This time they replaced a lot of stuff, and the unit is now back and working. Huzzah !

This post is being done under the FC4 installation. I had a little difficulty with the wireless set up, I have it working but not sure I understand they whys of the current configuration. I found a number of good resources during the set up but the best by far is Fedora Core 4 installation Notes, by Stanton Finley. It covers much of the application set-up issue that you run into, and was a great resource.

As for the issue related to the wireless card, which is orinoco_cs based. I found the answer on bugzilla, but still unsure of the reason behind having the wireless connection aliased.

Till Next Time,

Sean Riley
President, DogRiley