Sunday, July 17, 2005


Well Thuderbird is doing great !

However, I just realized though that all of my calendar entries needed to be moved over from Outlook. Ugghhh.

Got to whip out the Outlook disk, and reinstall Outlook. After this I look into the import to Calendar, and it wants a delimited text file from Outlook. No problem. I go into Outlook, set it as default again (it really isn't happy unless it is number 1) attach my old pst files. I hit File - Import and Export - Choose Export to File (Windows) and lo and behold a translator is not installed. Whip out the disks again, and install the translator. This enables me to get my calendar out to a CSV file, thinking my tasks will be needed too I export them as well.

When importing to Calendar I get a strange javascript error, but then things look OK, it asks me to map fields from Outlook to Calendar it seems to guess right, when I import all looks well.

I tried the import of tasks and would advise against it. It drops the entries in as calendar events which isn't very helpful. Mozilla mentions that Outport exists, but I didn't have enough tasks and the inclination at this time to play with it.

Till next time:
Sean Riley
President, DogRiley